Books 2010 #12 Zero History

This probably won’t be a very straightforward review. Hopefully you don’t mind.

Fashion. That’s what I walked away thinking about after reading Zero History, William Gibson’s latest. There’s more to it than that, of course, but the bits about clothes in this book were fascinating to me. I’ve been paying more attention to clothes myself these days, so watching Gibson dig around under the guts of fashion was a lot of fun.

I’ve since read about the military connection to the evolution of the business suit, so the fascination continues.

Another bit that was, interesting, was the fact that I work for a global, multi-channel, London based marketing behemoth. I can’t tell you how much Aegis is like Blue Ant, but the parallel was there the whole time.

Also, CAYCE. Just sayin’

If you’re keeping track, I liked this better than Spook Country, but not as much as Pattern Recognition. It’s tough to match Pattern Recognition, of course, so finishing 2nd in that race isn’t too bad. It’s a fun, multi-layered story full of great characters and a couple of conceptual bits that are worth the price of admission on their own.

When’s the next one come out?

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