Tag Archives: japan


I finally saw the original Japanese version of The Ring, and it was amazing. I wish I’d made more of an effort to check it out when it was released. I would have been banging the drum for this movie … Continue reading

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Takeshi Kitano, Takashi Miike, and Zatoichi?

The greatest movie ever? In this interview Takashi Miike talks about making a Zatoichi movie with Takeshit Kitano… Q: How about remaking Zatoichi? I heard once that Takeshi Kitano wanted to remake it, but gave up because Shintaro Katsu [who … Continue reading

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The good people over at Home Vision are releasing 17 (seven-freaking-teen!) Zatoichi movies on DVD starting with (the retitled) Zatoichi – The Tale of Zatoichi, Vol. 1 in May. They’re priced fairly, so I can guarantee I’ll be buying each … Continue reading

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