Movies 2010 #25 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Lord knows I’ve learned patience over the years with the Harry Potter books. Waiting for news and then waiting for the actual books over the years was fun/maddening.

This is the first time I’ve felt that same, let’s-get-it-over-with feeling I had with the books with the movies. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 is a good movie, but the reality is I’m just counting the days down until I get to the real action. The finale of this series, based on what I know of the plot from the book and judging by the quality of this film, should be a wall-to-wall action-fest full of about a million moments that’ll regress me into an eleven year old.

Pretty sweet, really.

Okay, enough about the future. What about the present? What do I think of this film. I alluded to it earlier, but to spell it right out this is a pretty good movie. My favorite in the series remains, and probably forever will remain Prisoner of Azkaban, but everything since has been really high quality. This is is no exception. It’s basically two and a half hours of tension/action/wizarding/whatchamacallit with a few truly noteworthy sequences. Again, the finale promised to be gigantic, but the sequences here were great.

So, yeah, when the hell is the final movie out?

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