Movies 2010 #6 District 9

After getting done with the redesign last week I clearly put it into shutdown mode. I figure I earned it:) Anyway, I’m back!

Now I just have to work through a whole stack of draft posts. I’ve got about a half a dozen movies to work my way through, plus a book or two, so I hope you’ll forgive me if I don’t go too in depth on a few of these.

On with it, then?

Why oh why did I wait as long as I did to see District 9? This is scummy, screwed up (in a good way) science-fiction. There’s no wide-eyed Close Encounters awe here- just grime and xenophobia and hacked-together, destructive technology. I’ve got lots of love for ugly science fiction and this movie certainly fills that gap. Half mockumentary, half action piece, District 9 is a solid couple of hours- a little bit of social commentary, a wee bit of a love story, some nasty-ass special effects and a good chunk of mecha-inspired action.

I’m not quite sure it deserved an Academy Award nomination, but who knows what’s up with the Best Picture category after they went to 10 nominees. Check it out.

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