Movies 2008 #27 The Da Vinci Code

I never read the book and really have no interest in it, so seeing The Da Vinci Code is as close to the phenomenon as I’m likely to get.

Which is fine by me.

As a piece of popcorn entertainment, The Da Vinci Code was a pleasant enough way to spend a couple of hours on a snowy night. If I had to spend more time with it, in the form of reading the wildly popular novel, I’m not sure how long it’s sordid charms would hold me. Maybe it’s the bludgeoning style of director Ron Howard and the book possesses more subtlety, but I grew tired, in just a couple of hours, of having point every point constantly reinforced. I hate when supposedly intelligent people spend 50% of their conversations explaining basic concepts or once again defining plot specific concepts already defined.

I swear, without the contstant reinforcement of concepts the story could have been told in about an hour and a half.

Still, with a great cast, some fun thrills, a bit of a mystery to solve and an overall sordid plot, The Da Vinci Code wasn’t quite as bad as I expected it to be. I wouldn’t exactly recommend it, but I wouldn’t steer anyone clear of it either.

And there you have it.

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