The Wii Remote API posted by Opera…. and then (mysteriously?) pulled

I had this link to The Wii Remote API saved in my Reddit feed on Bloglines for a few days, waiting for just the right moment to crack open the link and check out the keys to some hot Wiimote magic. Clicking through- it’s all blank page and “access denied.” Oh no! Completely confused, I started poking around and caught this thread on their forums where people are all five flavors of “wha?!” about the fact that the article was pulled. Me, I’ve decided to work on the world’s greatest conspiracy theory to explain why it was pulled. It will involve crazed terrorists, a man dressed in a foam Mario suit, Wii Sports, fifteen pounds of peanuts, Satoru Iwata, and a large albino African elephant. If my conspiracy theory were to be made into a movie, I would want Angelo Badalamenti to write the soundtrack, but I would force him to rework the songs of John Philip Sousa.

Thankfully I was able to save the mirrored document. In theory I could actually have real, business use for some Wii-More scripting knowledge. How often does that happen? a real business case for using perversely bleeding edge technology? Never.

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