Movies 2007 #32 – The Village

The Village (Widescreen Vista Series) It’s funny, but this film was spoiled for me by The Sixth Sense. Not the specific twist in this film, of course. Just the fact that there was one. “What’s the hook? I kept asking myself and when it came I was surprised, but probably not as surprised as I would have been without assuming that there would be some sort of crazy plot twist.

As a movie, it’s a slightly ridiculous, somewhat enjoyable “M. Night Shyamalan” film.

It’s about this village that’s seems like it was cut from the same cloth as the music of Beirut. Old feeling, but not actually tied to any historical time or place.

There are some monsters.

There’s this thing with the color red. And the color Yellow.

And Joaquin Phoenix is in it.

And something or other…

I wanted Harvey Keitel to show up playing the same character he played in that Scarlet Letter adaptation with Demi Moore. That would have been 35 flavors of awesome.

I really don’t feel like writing anything else about it.

It was that good.


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