What Will I Do For Inspiration Once Lost Ends?

For real.

At the beginning of last night’s episode, Widmore says the word “safe” (in reference to Penny.) What do I do? I write SAFETY. Well, I was just going to write SAFE, but it wasn’t balanced very well on the paper, so I added the TY.

But to bring it back to the title of the post- where will I gather inspiration, and truly, meaning for my pitiful existence, once LOST ends?

Okay, okay, I’ll manage, but as the years go on and writing “Not Penny’s Boat” as the punchline to a sketch becomes less and less meaningful, the world will be a colder, darker place.

Of course, if physicists are right and the universe is expanding ever faster, then eventually everything will be cold and dark and then who cares about Lost anyway?

See You in Another Blog Post, Brutha!

Oh, you wanted to see the sketch:

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