Twenty Ten

I do okay for myself so I rarely have “big” resolutions. Even quitting smoking just happened randomly in the middle of the year. I never tried to tie it to January 1. Still I do have a few minor resolutions for 2010 that I’m sharing with you all, right now:

  • Watch more movies. I only watched 34 films this year. That’s a piss-poor showing. Sure, I caught up with TV in a big way, watching Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Mad Men and Breaking Bad, but I still couldn’t even average a movie a week. That’s lame.
  • Read more books. I did average a book a month, which is pretty good, but I still don’t feel like I read enough. It doesn’t help that most of the books I’ve been reading are giant roach killers. For proof, my current to-read pile looks like this (minus Boston Noir, a book I got for Christmas) :

  • Write more effectively about both books and, especially, movies. I only occasionally write good reviews. Most of the time I just knock out a few thoughts. I’m going to try to do that less and do more quality writing this year.
  • Paint more. I’m a drawing machine. We know this. I need to paint more in 2010.

That’s a doable list, I think.

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