How Did I Miss This? A Raphael Drawing Sold for $48M at Christies.


NPR has some coverage.

This is another one of those results that serves to remind people just how priceless the truly great old master works are. This is a drawing. A fine one, certainly, but still just a drawing and it sold for nearly $50M. What then, is the value of La Fornarina?


You guessed it. Truly priceless. Any value put on it would be so preposterous the conversation might as well not take place.

Take that Andy Warhol!

I kid! Warhol was the mack, and he’s clearly the king of the art market these days. I just like to point out that one of the reasons that the top end of the auction records for art is dominated by art from the past 150 years is that no one sells the really good stuff.

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