REVS and COST forged one of the most influential and successful partnerships in the history of NYC graffiti. I remember clearly seeing their campaign for the first time on a weekend visit to NYC and being simply blown away by the scale and the novel, funny, provocative approach. I loved the fact that it was clearly invading civilian’s consciousness. People on the street really noticed their work. This is post-subway (where it was truly in commuter’s faces) and pre-Banksy/Obey (where it’s media fueled) and these guys were the talk of the town. Nowadays wheat paste and rollers are a natural part of the writer’s toolbox and people like Banksy, Twist and Obey have major gallery shows. Back then it was all so new* it just blew me away.

revs cost
cost and revs revs cost middle finger revs cost hidden revs cost

revs suicide hotline

On flickr, I also found an example of the infamous COST FUCKED MADONNA, sadly not embeddable here, but still cool.

flickr photos courtesy of mercurialn, superk8nyc (3 photos), jakedobkin, and shoehorn99

*yes. I’m aware there were earlier wheat paste campaigns. They obviously didn’t hit home like REVS COST did, so cut me some slack 🙂

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