Pssst! the mystery film tomorrow is Duel to the Death. Sign me right up!

If anyone is lucky enough to be in Boston reading this with no plans for tonight- for the love of all that’s holy go see Shanghai Express tonight. If just to see one of the greatest stunts in Hong Kong cinema history, Yuen Biao’s flip off of a three story burning building.

I’m going tomorrow night to see Duel to the Death. A brilliantly over-the-top wire fu classic from the 80s. The final battle, which takes place entirely in the sky, is one of the true classic Wuxia scenes.

For five nights this September, a vacant lot near Boston’s Chinatown Gate will become a free, outdoor theater, showing Kung-Fu and classic Chinese-language films under the stars. Films at the Gate returns with a focus on Hong Kong comedians and some of their early influences. Join us for an event that brings back a tradition of watching movies together in Chinatown

Films at the Gate

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