RIP Mad Money MISE (Keith Miner)
If you’re a graffiti writer or follow that world, especially if you’re from the Boston area, you probably heard the news that Keith “MISE” Miner passed away last week. I just wanted to share some of Keith’s art, as well as the art that has sprung up over the past week as writers have responded to his untimely death with multiple tributes.
Here’s a memorial video posted to YouTube
And some of his work
And some of the tributes that I’ve seen this week (Starting with another one I myself did) Please send me any you see, I’ll add them here.
Slowly Adding Pieces on Postals to
These are a cheap option for you if you want some original art from me. $60 with free shipping if you’re in the US.
So Much New Art on
A Survey of the Current Murals at The Lab
I went over to The Lab earlier this week and while the main area was locked up, I was able to take in the current walls. I posted them all to Flickr, but here are a few highlights.