Trustees of Reservations offers a glimpse of its first urban waterfront park, on Boston Harbor

Trustees of Reservations offers a glimpse of its first urban waterfront park, on Boston Harbor – The Boston Globe

This is great news!

The rotting, nearly four-acre pier near Logan Airport in East Boston is a blank canvas of sorts, just waiting to be turned into a piece of art as Boston’s newest waterfront park. Now, the Trustees of Reservations is soliciting community input to decide what this artwork should look like.

The project, dubbed Piers Park 3, could cost $30 million to $40 million. The group has quietly been raising money among its influential donor base, with about $20 million committed so far, according to Jocelyn Forbush, executive vice president at the nonprofit. The goal is nothing less ambitious than designing a “jaw-dropping park” with amazing views of the city skyline, working with the famed landscape architect Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Forbush said.
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News: I’m President of the Brattle Film Foundation Board

Brattle Theatre.

I know there’s a lot going on right now, but I’ve still got some news to share, so I’m just going to go ahead and share it.

I was recently asked to take over as President of the Brattle Film Foundation board and I accepted. I’ve been on the board for 3 years, I have been going to the Brattle for more than 30 years and I continue to be a passionate supporter of the theatre and Foundation, so it was an easy “yes” for me. The role isn’t without its challenges, but I’m ready to take them on. These are difficult times for arts organizations and movie theaters are particularly hard-hit by the pandemic, so for the foreseeable future our focus is on ensuring the long-term survival of the organization. It’s a challenge, but we’ve done well so far and in this role I’m going to do everything I can to ensure that we’ll make it through this.

In times like this the arts are more important than ever. They bring us together and they help us heal.

We could use a heavy portion of both togetherness and healing right about now.

If you’re able and would like to help out financially- you can“>donate to the Brattle here. Every little bit helps! And if you aren’t in the position to give, you can still connect with us and keep up with what we’re up to.

I’ll be sharing more about the Brattle as we work through the current crisis and (eventually) start to welcome audiences back into the theatre. Watch this space.

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