Books 2008 #3 Pro JavaScript Design Patterns

Pro JavaScript Design Patterns An excellent book. There are plenty of takeaways from this intense examination of Object Oriented programming in JavaScript. I haven’t worked on a project large enough to really benefit from OO JavaScript in the overall (classes/inheritance, etc), but even without switching over to a fully OO framework, there are optimization patterns and namespace patterns outlined in this book that can immediately prove useful no matter what scale of project you’re working on.

From a pure “oh, that’s cool!” perspective, the chapter on Chaining was a real eye opener. I’d looked at jQuery code, of course, but I’d never sat down to think about how he might have created the().ability().t0().keep().mashing().functions().together(). It’s diabolically simple in concept (return this!), but also mighty powerful. Again, it’s not one of the patterns I’m looking to adapt any time soon, but it was crazy interesting how simple it is in concept.

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